Many people like to raise gold-grade cats, but they always feel that the budget is not very large and there are no suitable cats for them to choose from. Most pet owners purchase silver-grade cats for a price of around 5,000 yuan. price range, so what is the condition of the gold gradient finish that costs 5,000 yuan? Let’s take a look at it all next!
It is recommended to use male cats for domestic breeding, because the sterilization surgery of male cats is relatively simple and the cost is relatively low. If sterilized early in the morning, it will be done once and for all in the future. The size of the female cat will be smaller than that of the adult male cat in the future, and the estrus will be greater. The cry is that sterilization of female cats requires abdominal surgery to remove the ovaries and uterus. All cat fans must pay attention when choosing.
Golden Cats are actually very easy to raise. Golden Cats are very cute cats. The character of Golden Cats is very gentle, and they are not short of courage. They are full of curiosity about all things, which is appropriate. The environment ability is very strong, and it will not lose its temper at will. It is because of these characteristics that it has been appreciated and liked by many cat lovers. The first thing to be obtained is the silver gradient. During the cultivation process of the silver gradient, some cats have undergone partial atavistic genetic mutations. The background color of the original white fur mutates into golden yellow, thus producing the golden gradient.
The golden gradient can be traced back to its origins and was produced by the mating and improvement of British short blue cats and chinchilla cats. The British Shorthair has better character and is closer to its owner. The tips of the coat on the back, flanks, head and tail are fully dyed black to enhance the golden color on the surface.
The gradient is the coat color, the puppet is the type, it all depends on what you like and can afford. The British Shorthair is a cat with a very gentle personality. The cat food is imported grain-free natural cat food. Kittens under three months old should eat soaked cat food, three to four times a day. Kittens can eat cat food three times a day during the first month of life, and they can eat it twice a day or as they wish when they become adults.